Cá Chim Trắng Loài Cá Nước Ngọt Với Vẻ Ngoại Hình Quyến Rũ

This bash command performs the following operations:

1. `cat config.yaml`: This command reads the contents of the file `config.yaml` and outputs it to the standard output stream.

2. `|`: This is a pipe operator, which takes the output of the preceding command (`cat config.yaml`) and passes it as input to the following command.

3. `awk NF`: This command is an `awk` script that filters out blank lines from its input. `NF` in `awk` stands for "number of fields". When used in a condition like `NF`, it evaluates to true for non-empty lines and false for empty lines. So, effectively, it prints only the lines that are not empty.

In summary, the entire command `cat config.yaml | awk NF` reads the contents of the `config.yaml` file and prints out only the non-empty lines.

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